Vicky's Varieties Store

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

What A Weekend….

Well I made it through the weekend and don’t think I did too bad, even though there was a weight gain. Knowing all of the food that I ate and did not eat, I still feel pretty good with the end results of the holiday weekend.

Friday kicked off our start of celebrating. I made it though the mountain pie night and was impressed with myself. Usually I can eat one right after another of them, especially the pizza and apple ones….yum!! But I did good, I only had two mountain pies. Then opted for some apples on the side.

Even got to play the Xbox Kinect for the first time. Talk about something that gives you a good workout and all while having fun!! Now, I am trying to convince my hubby to get me one. I loved not having to mess with a remote while playing.

The rest of the weekend was spent at home with family. We had a cookout here on Sunday and I tried my best to cook healthy foods.

Most of the weekend was spent in the rain and we didn’t have power half of the night Sunday and all day Monday, thanks to the storm that decided to blow through. Which made getting things done a bit hard. Didn’t get to do much walking since it was raining and couldn’t use the tv to do my Zumba on the Wii, since the power was out. So yeah, it was a bit challenging and didn’t help me at all in losing weight.

But all in all it was a good weekend even with all of that going on, plus my back hurting since Friday and having a Charlie horse since Sunday.

Tonight, I tried some new recipes and must say that I was shocked that my son and hubby both liked everything I came up with. Buffalo Pork Chops, Spicy Grilled Parsnips, and Sweet Grilled Banana’s. Check them out under “My Kitchen”.

Today’s challenge……walked 1 ½ miles, taking a different way that added another hill to the walk.

Got bored with the power being out.

Till next time…..remember to eat healthy, get some exercise, and most of all, love yourself!!! Now go make it count!!

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